I'm honored and excited to be working with Poa on his campaign for Governor in 2024. I've admired his work with Pancakes for the People and the Montpelier Senior Activity Center/Meals on Wheels for years, and believe his experience working in the fields of social work, food security, and mental health care will bring greatly-needed perspective and proven, progressive leadership for the state of Vermont. We need leaders who are young - and listen to the youth. We need leaders who are passionate and skilled in health & human services, who know what it takes to feed the hungry, and house the unhoused. Managing budgets takes not just financial skill but a profound understanding of the needs - and resources - of all Vermonters. Poa is very engaged and welcoming of feedback, suggestions, and input from all voters -- please reach out to connect! — Elaine Ball
Campaign Manager, Poa Mutino for Governor
“Poa is a delightful human and a skilled social worker. They are passionate about helping people and integral to their community. I am grateful for their generous support over the years and their open, loving humanity.” -MM, Registered Psychotherapist and Grief Counselor, Montpelier
— Mollie McElroy
"Poa is deeply committed to community in a myriad of ways, food justice being just one of them. Pancakes for the People provides delicious, ancestral, free food without gate keeping or shaming. What a gift to our community!!" — Chris Siegrest
“Poa has an incredible way of connecting with people! He has a wonderful ability to see folks and the struggles that they are moving through. Poa also has the gift and skill of advocacy. His passion for supporting individuals and communities in working towards collective support and healing is inspiring.
I believe that supporting Poa in the political arena will help bring voices and issues to the table that are usually otherwise missed and/or intentionally gate-kept. Supporting Poa means supporting deeper, more thoughtful, intentional, and human centered conversations that advocate for greater equality, access and availability to resources"
— Jack Wildwood, PhD Researcher and Clinical Mental Health Counselor